Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Film Festival 2014 - Call for Submissions!

2014 Film Festival Submission Guidelines

Do YOU have an amazing animated film to submit to the 2014 PMC Film Festival? Or a WIP to your amazing animated film? Or even just a short little animation test you did in Intro to Traditional Animation??? Then you are awesome. And we are more than happy to take those entries for our annual festival.

Please follow these steps to submit your film to the 2014 Pencil Mileage Club Film Festival. Note that submission to the PMC Film Fest is NOT limited to just members.

Step 1
Export your video with the following settings:
  • File types acceptable: .mp4, .mov, .avi
  • Compression type: H.264
  • Resolution: 1280x720
  • Frame rate: 24fps
  • Video standard: NTSC
Step 2
Name your file according to this guideline:
(example: "KevinLam_BestAnimationEver_PMCFF2014.mp4")

Step 3
Please email your submission to pencilmileageclub@gmail.com with the subject "2014 PMC Film Fest Submission - [YourName]".
In the email, provide the following information:
1. Your Name
2. Film name
3. Film length
4. Indicate whether this is the final version, or if it's a WIP, and you'll send us the final version later

*You may also hand us a DVD or CD of your film with the requested information as well.

Step 4
Send us a rough place holder by April 26th. *If we don't get a WIP film by this date, your film might not make it into the festival.* Send a final version of your animation by May 2nd. The earlier the better :)

  • We have the right to refuse service! (In other words we have the right to not put your film in the festival for whatever reason, but really we will accept nearly everything.)
  • If your animation does not have music, we may play our choice of music over it.
  • BY SUBMITTING TO THE PMC FILM FESTIVAL, YOU ARE GRANTING US PERMISSION TO POST YOUR ANIMATION ONLINE AS PART OF THE PMC FILM FESTIVAL. If you wish to not have your animation posted online, please let us know in the email.
Due Dates:
April 26th - Place holder (rough animatic or WIP animation)
May 2nd - Final animation

The 2014 PMC Film Festival will be May 10th in the TSU Theater.